large hotels were built in hot springs with amusement area , such as atami onsen hot springs , kinugawa onsen hot springs , and beppu onsen hot springs . 熱海温泉、鬼怒川温泉、別府温泉等の歓楽地型温泉では旅館ホテルの巨大化が続いた。
in the mid-edo period , restaurants , inns , liquor shops targeted at travellers and merchants started to be established along the street , changing the district into a restaurant and amusement area . 江戸時代中頃にはこの通りを往来する旅人や商人を目当てに、料理屋や旅籠、酒屋などが店を構えるようになり、酒楼娯楽の場へと姿を変えた。
there are some more dialects of kyo language , such as ' miburi language ' (gesture words ) similar to a simplified sign language , as well as ' namasu language ' (red-light district language ), a traditional language spoken in shimabara , a famous amusement area . 簡易的な手話の様を呈する「身振り語」や、嶋原で用いられてきた伝統的な「廓言葉(なます言葉)」がある。